Tuesday 3 July 2012

finding nailmo

Greetings, fellow earthdwellers. This morning I finally found the time to my paint my nails for a theme! Take a look:
Finding nemo nails! I got this brilliant suggestion from Georgia (thanks mate) and I was determined to get it done these holidays. I was really surprised by my detailing abilities and I think the top photo doesn't give it justice. So I took pictures of every individual finger in vain :)

Starting from the pinky we have: Peach, Pearl, Mr. Ray, Dory and of course Nemo. Now that I look at these close up photos my handiwork looks incredibly messy and amateur. And for that I apologise. But just know it is a fiddly job, okay :(
Also if you're intensely scrutinising my every nail and note that the manta ray is all weird that is because I accidentally knocked it against the table. I assure you it was not intentionally painted that way.
I really enjoyed doing this theme and would not have thought of it myself (thanks again Georgia) and if any of my billions of readers out there have suggestions then PLEASE tell me! Comment or facebook me or throw a rock with a message through my window - just whatever.

Namira :)x

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